Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Wrong Road

The rugged path I dare not tread on,
For everything held easy would suddenly be gone.
Worldly pleasures I succumbed to,
Not knowing the consequences I carried on through.
Friends and foes many I made,
Many enemies goodbye I bade,
Only to realize at the end,
That a prayer to the heavenly father I should send.
Kneeling down in my cold dark room,
In sadness and hope I met my doom.
But I was ready for change,
Ready for a new me and a new age.
Hope filled tears rolled down my cheeks,
With tight shut eyes, for the truth I now seek.
My once stone cold heart,
Because of a foe was like it was pierced with a dart.
I was ready to forgive,
For a new and joyous life I was ready to live.
Materialistic things I reluctantly abandoned,
To more realistic things I summoned,
Love and hope, I beckoned
For a change I called.
This phase of my life has taught me many things,
To my mind many memories back it brings.
All those frantic and depressing nights,
All those mistakes, those terrifying sights,
Still gnaws away pieces of my heart,
I would like to make my way across to the hope filled mart.
A broken heart, yet firm dreams,
The light of my fighting spirit still beams.
Many friends have I met,
Only happiness and fun always in debt.
This phase will soon become the past,
And into a new phase will I enter in full blast.
Making people around me smile,
All of them happy like a bride walking down the isle.
Everyone has their own set of problems and pains to deal with,
No matter how small or big, no matter the width,
Solutions are always there a plenty,
Wrong actions and decisions only deserve a penalty.
All this have I learnt and will still continue to,
With hope and belief I will continue to,
With a clear head and a new heart will I,
Do what I was born to do.

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