Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Tribute to The Known Dead

Never knew you. I wish I did. Does it have to hurt this much.
Pain creeps in, filling those humongous craters of loneliness.
Was it meant to end this way?
A rented heart hanging on to the palms of hope,
Is there really hope when a new day dawns?
Or is it just one of those clichés?
Every time I think about you, the deeper the trench becomes.
These swollen eyes still hope for a miracle, God?
All those times I made u shut up, only to regret it now,
To hear that voice of yours, I would give up anything,
Even if it meant giving up the world.
I would give up life just to meet u up there,
Worldly sacrifices innumerable have been made,
But you’re gone, and it still hurts.
Just to have you back would be impossible,
I guess Jesus would like to have u now.
But why so fast?
Hope you are making everyone happy in heaven,
Just they way u did here, until that day!
I didn’t even get to say goodbye,
Something that would have been the last thing I would have ever done.
But here I am without you,
In my lonely world I pray for a miracle,
Memories, the only happiness that make me smile.
I always knew how far u were away from me,
But…… now?
All those nights we sat up doing sums,
All those phone calls,
Your number was the only one I have remembered for so long,
And now? Am I supposed to forget it all in a flash?
Never take life for granted, because your world could change in just a wink.
Your being, your fragrance, your personality,
YOU will forever be remembered.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Man This Girl iS REally sumthin! i jus love th Tribute its very emotional n touchin.! my Hats of to u little lady!! hope u go along way wit ur AMAZIN Talent!!

Ur Amazin!!!