Thursday, May 31, 2007

Friends (06-07)

This year was jus amazing,
The thoughts of all those days still lingering.
Made new friends,
Had a few old friendship bends.
Let’s start off with Cauvery a.k.a the river,
Her spelling mistakes make you quiver.
Her cute television and fluffy,
But not replying to my bro makes me all stuffy.
Then there’s kickass Akash (sister calls him that),
Everybody does he verbally thulp and bash.
Really a good person and the bestest bro,
Amazing poet it is so.
Then there’s Devika, her ever giving quality,
She thinks slipknot’s all noise, especially duality.
Prateek next falls into place, the tallest guy ever,
Always quiet and never talking, NEVER.
Chinthan with all his taste for music, who acts like a sage,
Such a music fanatic never knew of the band garbage.
The most confused guy I have ever met, Reuben,
All those lame fights always I win.
He believed my sister was 10 and from Ireland,
Now he’s in Goa, having all fun on the sand.
Neethi another cottonian, a heroes fanatic,
About Hiro and Peter we both go ballistic.
I am glad I met you all, had loads of fun,
Thank you!.


Anonymous said...

k.........nell is one hell ova bomb!!not really.....she is damn sweet....n very adorable....i knw that pics makes u think whether shes a gal or a boy.....dont worry gal only...she is the drama queen of sfx!k.....nothin else hope we stay best friends foreva!!tc

Unknown said...

Hey nell....!! Oh this girl is a sweetheart,no idea what i'd do without her.....She always has a solution to everything,always there when i need her,has only nice things to say about ppl,makes everyone feel special and i donno what id do without her.....


Anonymous said...

nell.......the BEST EVER!!
thanks for the poem!!i loved it!!
shes an amazing poet and a rocking friend!!

Slim said...

Do we have another rapper in the making? 8-|

On a serious note, good job. I couldn't write like that when I was 14. I still cant! :P Keep up the good work nell smell from hell!