Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Bestest Friend

This is for my friend chinthan who i got to know only a few months back! He's a close and a really good friend! Thank You for everything! Love you!

I never even knew you a few months ago,
And now I need you here all the time.
We’ve become really close,
All those things u’ve helped me out with,
All those secrets you trusted me with,
All those horrendously long lectures,
All those frantic nights you stayed up with me,
I owe u an amazing part of my life.
You mean so much to me,
Becoming my best friend is very tough,
But you’re the first exception.
You were a totally different person,
Always stood apart from the rest of the crowd.
U were the joy in my sadness,
U were the hope in my doubt,
U were the life in my death,
U were and will always be everything to me.
Always by my side,
Always guiding me,
Always trusting me,
I promise you u will never be forgotten.
I am always here for you,
Smiling, even if I am crying.
All those days I’ve cried,
I’ve remembered that I’ve always smiled.
No matter what happens,
No matter what anybody thinks,
No matter what any body does,
You’ll always mean a lot to me,
Will love and miss u always!
In heaven or on earth,
On the phone or online,
Dead or alive,
You will always be my best friend.
You mean the world to me,
And nothing will change that.
Chinthan always remember me,
Because I am always going to be here smiling no matter what,
I am going to smile if it makes u too.
Always here for you,
At your service,
Anytime and anywhere.
Will never forget you,
You’ll always be held close to my heart.
And will always mean a whole lot to me.


Unknown said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ull are the best aprt from us dat is;) he he dman luv u guys rock on!!!!!!!!!! an an gimme extra desert k 4 ur weddin!!!!!!!

Akash Justin Ovian said...

Hmmmm nice one sis keep it up......really touching!