Friday, June 1, 2007

Chris Daughtry!

Damn man! How could he not have won?...That amazing voice! This did not happen. I suudenly wish i was hiro nakamura ( the chinky guy from heroes), so i can go back to the past and change it, atleast i could have seen! Well he's the best selling artist right now and i know for years to come as well. Chris daughtry, looks good and sings amazingly well. Crashed, Home, It's not over, Sorry and many more, love all of them! Chris daughtry is the bestest ever! The only American idol who i think has used her status well is Kelly Clarkson. Her newest song Never Again is amazing! well signing off now!

Neo a.k.a Naomi a.k.a Akka

Well 2006-07 was one of the best years i have ever had in my life. Made many new friends. Will miss my sister though if she's leaving this july. Well i realised how much she actually means to me this past few months. You know how much you need someone when they are actually gone. She has been a great source of inspiration and i love her loads. She has made me smile and laugh my ass off all those times i was feeling down. A great writer, lyricist and an amazing sister! She means the world to me. She comes second after Jesus even after i told her that she comes 4th....! I wrote this only because i was thinking about how much i would miss all her lameness and positiveness. She is the bestest ever.
Hope you read the blog you dumbass!